All Things Madison | Recommended Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama
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Recommended Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama

Swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama: This article shares of list of swimming lessons and instructors that will teach your child in a private or semi-private setting so that he or she is able to swim independantly or help themselves in case they fall into a water source of some kind.

It’s that time of year when parents will begin buzzing online and in-person about signing up their children for swimming lessons.

Swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama: This article shares of list of swimming lessons and instructors that will teach your child in a private or semi-private setting so that he or she is able to swim independantly or help themselves in case they fall into a water source of some kind.
Our 26-month-old daughter doing her final “float test” fully clothed before graduating from her first year of ISR with Kim Shaw. | June 2018

This will be our fourth summer in this area, and every year I have handfuls of friends who seek out quality swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama, and are unable to get a slot because they inquire too late. This tells me that if you desire an experienced instructor, the early bird will get the worm as far as sign-ups go. We have a few really, really, really great instructors and options, but they can only take so many kiddos.

Swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama: This article shares of list of swimming lessons and instructors that will teach your child in a private or semi-private setting so that he or she is able to swim independantly or help themselves in case they fall into a water source of some kind.
This our daughter on her 3rd birthday taking her second year of ISR lessons.

P.S. This is my unsolicited opinion, but private (or very small group) lessons are generally the way to go, especially with children under five years old who are truly learning how to survive if they fall into a water source of some time (bathtub, pool, lake, ocean, etc.) We experienced a horrific near-drowning accident with our two-year-old daughter several years ago (I promise you that drowning is actually completely silent) who had participated in a few group-style “water comfort” lessons that didn’t aid her one bit when she decided to go into a pool without her puddle jumper on.

The private swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama after her accident are what taught her (and our middle daughter pictured above) to be extremely strong, independent swimmers by four years old. Just my two cents, but this is something I’m passionate about. (Anyone who knows me personally will attest to that!)

Swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama: This article shares of list of swimming lessons and instructors that will teach your child in a private or semi-private setting so that he or she is able to swim independantly or help themselves in case they fall into a water source of some kind.
Our 4.5-year-old daughter confidently swimming in the deep end after six weeks of ISR swim lessons | June 2018

Instead of rounding up a general list of centers that offer swimming lessons in Madison, Alabama, I decided to reach out on Instagram and asked to speak to those who had had a really exceptional swimming lesson experience for their child(ren). Since this is such an important topic to me, I wanted to be sure to share with you first-hand experiences that can help shape your decisions about who to trust to teach your child(ren) this very important skill.

Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama

All Things Madison | Recommended Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama

Swim Kids of Madison

“The lessons were in small groups with about five kids. There were at least three instructors at a time, and all of them were professional, kind, and enthusiastic. Swim Kids knows how to meet the kids where they are, and push them while not scaring them. Lessons meet every day for a week. We received detailed reports on his skill development, and at the very end each kid gets a medal and a cute certificate that we still have on our refrigerator!” – Kristin

“We did Swim Kids of Madison last summer and it was so great! For the session we did, it was just my two boys (8 and 6 at the time), and the two instructors. We did five straight days, 30 minutes each day. We just did one week, but we are signed up for another week this coming summer. This time, my youngest (3.5) will be going too, at the same time as the older two. I think they cap it at 4 swimmers per time slot. My oldest was comfortable in the water last summer but not actually swimming. By the end of the week, they had him diving off the diving board and swimming the length of the pool. My six-year-old was jumping into the deep end and swimming to the side by the end of the week, after not really swimming at all prior to that. We did several rounds of group lessons the last few years and never got close to the same results. I cannot recommend this program enough!” – Christa

The Swim Lady

“We took lessons from Ashleigh Walker. They are small groups that will be even smaller this year. The kids learn to swim independently. They go five days a week for two weeks straight, so 10 sessions in all. It was amazing how quickly they learned and were swimming on their own so confidently by the end of the two weeks. If you look on her page, you can see the specifics for the different classes that she does, for what ages, etc. She will be opening registration to the public on March 5th and her classes fill up fast.” – Heather, whose children went through these lessons at ages 2 and 4

“My son took a group class from The Swim Lady. Classes were one hour per day for two weeks. He started when he was 2 and did another session when he was 3. He learned to float on his back, swim independently underwater, how to find the side of the pool, and monkey crawl to the nearest exit. By the end of the two-week class, he was jumping off the diving board and swimming the entire length of the pool by himself. This year he will be taking a refresher course which is 30 minutes per day for four days with only four other students. Ashleigh teaches out of her home pool, and classes always fill up quickly. We absolutely adore her and can’t believe the progress she makes with the kids in such a short time. We will be signing up our daughter with her once she’s old enough.” – Traci

Infant Swimming Resource with Kim Shaw

“My children started the ISR program with Kim Shaw when they were 3 and 5 and it was truly life-changing for our family! My children begged, pleaded, and sobbed to not have to go under the water the first few days that they were in the pool with her because they were absolutely terrified.  Less than 4 weeks later (10-minute lessons, 5 days a week), they were both jumping off the diving board and independently swimming the full length of the pool! They also were both able to demonstrate that they could safely get themselves out of the pool if they accidentally ended up in the water.

This brought us so much comfort and peace of mind, especially since we have a pool in our neighborhood. We were also so relieved and impressed to see that both of our children retained their skills after being out of the pool for 8 months, with only a few days of refresher courses with Kim needed to rebuild their confidence. ISR is well worth the investment and Miss Kim is truly amazing at what she does!” – Alyssa

Infant Swimming Resource with Amanda West

“My two older kids have done ISR Swim with Amanda West. It’s a private lesson that is for 10 minutes, 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks. It’s definitely a time and money commitment but so worth it! Amanda teaches lessons at her private pool year-round. Her pool is heated and this winter she had a dome installed for the colder months. She’s very patient and a great instructor.” – Leslie

All Things Madison | Recommended Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama
Photo courtesy of Amanda West
All Things Madison | Recommended Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama
Photo courtesy of Amanda West

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All Things Madison | Recommended Swimming Lessons in Madison, Alabama