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Madison Methodist Church Sewing Group Creates and Donates Over 2,100 Masks

All Things Madison | Madison Methodist Church Sewing Group Creates and Donates Over 2,100 Masks

When Sylvia Guerin saw a post on Facebook mid-March about local doctors and nurses who were desperately in need of face masks, she had an idea.

Guerin, a member of Madison Methodist Church’s Sewing Group, brought the issue to the attention of her fellow group members and asked if anyone would be interested in sewing masks. She says that everyone was immediately on board and agreed to share their talents by creating a couple of hundred masks.

Most group members had plenty of fabric at their homes, but they were in need of elastic. After running around town purchasing as much elastic as they could, they got to work. Soon, the elastic ran out.

The demand for more masks was growing though, and after receiving elastic from three different donors that totaled over 1,000 yards, they agreed to continue creating.

Today, over 2,100 masks (and counting) have been created and distributed. They started sharing their donations by making sure that hospitals, EMTs, police officers, fire and rescue, physical therapists, and more were covered.

Madison Methodist Church in Madison, Alabama | Madison Methodist Church has a sewing group that created and donated more than 2,100 masks during the early...

After that, Guerin says her group kept their eyes and ears wide open for those in need of face mask donations, especially essential workers still serving our community in stores and restaurants, as well as delivery drivers.

“If we saw a mail truck or delivery driver, we’d flag them down and hand them a mask!” Says Guerin.

The MUMC Sewing Group was also able to aide in kicking off the Madison Farmers Market in early April.

“We were told that they were in need of 50 masks by that weekend or they wouldn’t be able to open. We got to work sewing the masks, and the market was able to open just a few days later.”

Guerin explains that as long as there is a need and they have supplies, her sewing group will keep on creating masks for our community members in need.

When I commented about what a blessing this group has surely been to so many people, she remarked that they are the ones who feel truly blessed to have been able to do what they have done.

About Madison Methodist Church Sewing Group

Founded roughly three years ago, the MMC Sewing Group meets for a couple of hours each week (and very much looks forward to being together again soon.) They enjoy contributing to missions teams and have been involved with projects such as creating pillowcase dresses for women in Uganda as well as kimonos for babies in need.

They also frequently take on projects for local nursing homes, sewing and donating adult bibs and walker bags.

“If we hear about a need, we try to help.”

Guerin says that the group is primarily made up of church members but that anyone is welcome to join.

If you are in need of a cloth face mask or would like to learn more about Madison Methodist Church’s Sewing Group, Sylvia can be emailed here.


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All Things Madison | Madison Methodist Church Sewing Group Creates and Donates Over 2,100 Masks