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Madison Residents: Information to Know Before You Head to the Polls Tomorrow

All Things Madison | Madison Residents: Information to Know Before You Head to the Polls Tomorrow

Tomorrow, August 25th is our city’s Municipal elections were voters will be highly encouraged to head to the polls and cast their selection for mayor and district council. 

Do you know where you’re polling location is? To verify, click here.

Do you know which district you live in? To verify, click here.

Candidates do not declare political party affiliation in these races, so it’s important (as it is in every election) to read about each candidate and understand who you are voting for and why.

Most candidates have social media pages in addition to websites that state where they stand on a variety of issues, what they want to continue doing the same, and what changes they want to see made within our community.

Before you head to the polls tomorrow, take a few minutes to read about both Mayor Paul Finley and mayoral challenger Marc Highsmith as well as those who are running for council in your specific district.

Then tomorrow, pencil in a few minutes to swing by your polling place, grab you I.D., cast your votes, and then wear your “I voted” sticker proudly. 

P.S. Bring your kid(s) of all ages along. Show them by example what it looks like to vote and explain why it’s important. 

All Things Madison | Madison Residents: Information to Know Before You Head to the Polls Tomorrow

*I denotes Incumbent

Mayoral candidates

Paul Finley (I)  Facebook 

Marc Highsmith  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

City Council Candidates

District 1

Maura Wroblewski (I) Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram 

James Ross  Website | Facebook 

District 2

Steve Smith (I)   Facebook 

Joe Gaines    Website | Facebook

Connie Spears  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube 

District 3

Brian Goodwin  Website | Facebook

Teddy Powell (I) WebsiteFacebook

District 4

Jocelyn Broer    Website | Facebook | Instagram

Greg Shaw (I)    Website | Facebook 

District 5

Ranae Bartlett   Website | Facebook

Ryan Clark  Website 

District 6

Gerald Clark (I)  Website | Facebook

Karen Denzine  Website | Facebook

District 7

John Seifert  Facebook


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