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Madison, Alabama State of the Real Estate Market Address with Essential Real Estate | April 2023

Join All Things Madison CEO & Author Erica DeSpain as well as Essential Real Estate Owner and Broker Beau Miles as they discuss real estate specific to Madison, Alabama. They crunch numbers, talk predictions, and give real estate movement advice. Enjoy!
Madison, Alabama Real Estate: In this State of the Real Estate Market for May 2023, Beau Miles shares more objective numbers as well as why or why not interest rates should dictate if you buy or sell.

This month, I let Beau surprise me with the stats, and boy was I surprised! We talk about how the dip last month affected (or didn’t affect) this month’s sales as well as covered a little bit about Real Estate Investing.

0:37 – Glasses on for Madison’s April Numbers

1:22 – The sky is falling and how it affects home sales

1:47 – What are prices doing right now?

2:53 – Beau geeks out about inflation

4:10 – Beau’s advice on investing in real estate

5:25 – Are agents busy right now, or are they perfecting their thumb twiddle?

6:20 – How are sellers reacting?

6:43 – Erica’s off-the-cuff question about where to start in RE investing

8:51 – Buying vs renting: which is cheaper right now?

10:28 – Beau’s final thoughts

“If you don’t know, call Beau!”



(256) 653-9414

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All Things Madison | Madison, Alabama State of the Real Estate Market Address with Essential Real Estate | April 2023