Q: Does All Things Madison only cover topics within the official city limits?
A: This is the most frequently asked question I receive, and for good reason: our city limits are a bit head-scratching when viewed on a map.
The short answer is no; The content shared across All Things Madison’s platforms is not restricted to businesses, events, and people solely from within Madison City limits. The parameters for what is shared across our platforms consists of businesses and events that have a Madison mailing address. Readers will also occasionally find content posted on the weekends that features topics from outside of Madison within a series called “Away From Here”.
Q: But the city doesn’t receive tax benefits from businesses outside of our city limits, so why do you share about them?
A: Great question! All Things Madison is a private business run by a Madison resident (me!) and is not officially affiliated with the city in any way (though I do have a business license with the City of Madison of course!) Though I have great relationships with those that work for the city, my primary objective with creating this brand was not just to increase our city’s tax dollars (though that has become an undeniable, important benefit of All Things Madison). My primary objective was (and still is) to serve the people who live, work, and visit our area with information that is helpful, informative, and entertaining. This means that I cover topics that are within close proximity to those who live, work, and visit here. So yes, that means that occasionally I cover Madison-mailing address businesses that unfortunately do not fall within our city limits.
A few examples of this situation include any coverage of Clift Farm, Freddy’s, or several business on Slaughter Road. These businesses all have Madison mailing addresses but have not been annexed into Madison officially, meaning that our city does not receive the tax benefits from one’s purchase. These topics are still covered on All Things Madison though because their primary consumers will be from Madison due on their locations. Our city’s residents want to know about resources that are in close proximity to them, and though it’s a win/win when those businesses are also within our city limits, it’s simply reality that most people will spend money on what they want, regardless of what city their money benefits.
Q: Why are there businesses with a Madison mailing address that are not within our official city limits?
A: Another great question; In fact, I sat down with Mayor Paul Finley in the fall of 2020 to learn about why this occasionally happens. The United States Postal System determines one’s mailing address; The official city limits is determined by what has been purchased and annexed in by city officials. You can read the full article about how our city limits are determined here.
Q: Why do you have your “Away From Here” series if the content is supposed to be all about Madison?
A: A valid question for sure! I occasionally include content from other communities because the majority of Madison residents like to get outside of Madison every once in a while. I’m passionate about helping others make informed choices and immensely enjoying where they live, and for me, that means leaving my little bubble every once in a while and enjoying other businesses, activities, etc. that are within driving distance of Madison. Knowing that a neighboring community has a great food scene makes me enjoy Madison more because it expands my list of places to check out within a half hour drive. Knowing about little weekend getaway options within a three hour drive of Madison also makes living here more desirable because there is so much to do and see within a short drive.
But of course, I desire for the primary content to be 95% Madison based because, like many of you, I spend the majority of my time right here within 10 miles of my home.
So, in a nutshell, All Things Madison has always covered (and will always cover) content that serves our community, and the majority of that content will be linked back to a Madison mailing address or be tied to a service or person who has offerings for those within the city of Madison.
Still have questions? I’d love to chat with you! Feel free to email me at Erica@allthingsmadison.com to discuss more.
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