They call it the Bible Belt for a reason; We have 54+ churches in Madison alone!
Below you will find a list of churches with Madison, Alabama addresses that are sectioned by denomination. Because each church’s schedule is so fluid due to the pandemic, I have not included information about which churches are meeting in-person, online, etc.
Each church’s website is linked, so please visit the sites of the churches you are interested in to learn more about their current service schedule and offerings.
I desire to keep this website as up-to-date, accurate, and resourceful as possible, so if there’s a church in Madison missing from this list, please email me to let me know. Thanks!
Churches in Madison
- Building Church
- Cornerstone Word of Life Church
- Crosspointe Church
- Grace Covenant Worship
- Madison Worship Center
- Rocket City Church
- Movement Church
- The Brook
- Calvary Chapel
- Daystar Church
- Restoration Foursquare Church
- Hope Church
- Madison Bible Church
- First Bible Church
- New Life Chapel Madison
- The Becoming Church
- Church of the Highlands
- Courageous Church
- Asbury Church
- Tables Church
- Capshaw Baptist Church
- First Baptist Church of Madison
- Greenbrier Baptist Church
- Madison Baptist Church
- Trinity Baptist Church
- Grove Baptist Church
- Haven Baptist Church
- Madison Free Will Baptist Church
- International Baptist Church
- Willowbrook at Madison
- Fletcher’s Chapel Primitive Baptist Church
- Wall Highway Baptist Church
- Midtown Baptist Church
- Madison Church
- Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
- Heritage Church
- Parker Chapel United Methodist Church
- St. Peter United Methodist Church
- Joy United Methodist Church
- Harvest Pointe Methodist Church
- Fellowship United Methodist Church
Church of Christ
- Madison Church of Christ
- Gooch Lane Church of Christ
- Central Valley Church of Christ
- Monrovia Church of Christ
- Westview Church of Christ
- Grace Presbyterian Church
- Valley Presbyterian Church
- Connections Presbyterian Church
- St. Elizabeth Cumberland Church
Assembly of God
Church of the Nazarene
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Psst: Would you like to add a 2-3 sentence description and/or a picture of your church to this article? Please email Erica to get started.
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